08 March, 2008

Starting with a skin

What triggered me to start this blog was a free skin that I picked up in the LicoLico Gothic Lolita mall. I was mildly boggled at how neato torpedo it was for a free item. I felt like telling people about it. Gushily. Eventually I decided that I may as well just blog about the gear I like in Second Life, because one more person's opinions won't break the Internet.
I want to make a habit of being as clear and thorough as possible about what my avatar's actually wearing in these posts, not because I think anyone will want to slavishly imitate my look, but just because it's nice to KNOW, in case there's something in these pictures you would like for yourself. It always bugs me when, say, a vendor picture for a shirt also shows a totally cute prim hairdo which must come from some other store, but no information about it is available. Also, factors like avatar shape can have a big effect on how a given item looks.

Where possible, I will give SLURL links, although I can't guarantee that these will remain accurate (people move, go bust, etc).
So here we go! The skin is called Candy and it is a freebie from Lotus, found at their stall in the LicoLico mall. I love the fair, translucent looking skin tone, the finely brushed eyebrows, the adorable spray of freckles across the bridge of the nose, and the slightly glossy, puffy lips. The eyeliner detail around the eyelids is also very good, subtle but clear. Once again, I am astonished this is free.
The prim hairstyle, eyes and tracksuit are all the work of BettiePage Voyager, a very clever Japanese designer in SL. The hair, Mitsuami Pompa, is available at her main store in Osaka. (The eyes were a freebie for January 2008, but just now I don't recall whether they were a gift to update group members or found in the store.) Just across the road from the BP* store is a simulated Japanese convenience store, Numery Mart, where you can get the funky pink Jya-Ji tracksuit. The cute little pin badges came from Tohru's Shop (an impulse buy).
Let's have a closer look at the face, shall we?

This shot also lets you clearly see the great hairline BettiePage has created on the hairpiece. I love that little widow's peak.
This is, of course, quite an innocent, girlish skin, and it would be great for Sweet Lolita style. That impression is enhanced by the fact that I'm wearing it with quite a girlish shape, Innocence, given to me by Loli Nori. (You'll have to be logged in to SLboutique.com, with 'Show Mature Items' selected, to view her wares.) Her skin mods are all freebies and you can get them in-world from Bare Rose. She doesn't actually sell the shapes, but kindly gave them to me when I IM'ed her asking what she used. If you also contact her about the shapes, be super polite so she won't be mad at me for telling you :) Again, they are wonderful quality, and I can only conclude that they're free because she is a remarkably generous individual. (Just to be quite clear: these pictures show a Loli Nori shape but not a Loli Nori skin. I think I'll give them their own entry later.)
Are you admiring that little spray of freckles and the lovely lips? Aren't they just so kissable?

And even though it is 'just' a freebie skin, the creator has taken the time to paint the individual fortune-teller's lines on the palms of the hands. I have much more expensive skins where the maker hasn't paid this much attention to detail.
The areas of the skin normally hidden under clothing are darn good too, with especially pretty nipples, as you might expect from the person who made those lips. The only area where the skin somewhat falls down is that the vulva/labia are really only suggested, with a minimal crease/slit between the legs. There is no pubic hair. If you like anatomically correct skins, this may disappoint you, but it's a pretty minor issue. Otherwise, I love this skin to bits and warmly recommend it!

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