23 March, 2008


I've thought of something else I'd like to do with this blog - review sims that I've found interesting, fun, impressive or odd. I'm beginning with JAPAN DREAM KENJIN, which I found by chance by clicking on a brightly coloured poster in a store in Broadmead.
On beaming in, you find yourself standing by the sea wall of a colourful, cheerfully tatty Japanese small town. There's a bus shelter, some junk like broken down bicycles and wooden crates, a small shop selling stuff like inflatable swim rings... and four unlabelled magenta poseballs.
If you sit on any of these poseballs, your avatar will promptly squat behind the sea wall and pee.
A short distance away is a yellow ball actually marked 'pee' (which causes you to pee in the upright, masculine manner) but those magenta balls really took me by surprise, and made me wonder what sort of place I had wandered into. I noticed that I had a little heart-shaped health monitor in my menu bar - do people fight here? Do they pee fight here?
There's an unusual atmosphere of bright and cheerful grunginess, as if this sim was designed with a lot of nostalgia for somebody's crappy hometown. It's like being in a somewhat run-down Miyazaki movie. You can wander past backyards nodding with sunflowers and into houses filled with shabby, lived-in furniture. Nothing appears to be for sale, even the stock in the liquor store/tobacconist's. Old advertising posters, cracked concrete and rusty corrugated iron are everywhere, yet all the colours are super-saturated and cheerful. The purpose of all the structures wasn't immediately obvious to me, but then, I'm not Japanese.
It's a strangely immersive environment. The only sounds are of the wind and the lapping sea. I was able to figure out that the place was made by someone called clubkenjin Loon, who unfortunately speaks only Japanese. Who knows what's going on there? It's quite fun to poke about. Various shops and stalls offer poseballs allowing you to mind the counter. In one place is a dustbin labelled 'DON'T touch me' - if you click it it will explode, noisily, and take about 10% off your health (though this will come back within seconds). And that's about it!
No pee fighting.

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